Brené Brown workshops

Em is a Certified Daring Way™ Faciliator and delighted to offer these workshops.

These workshops will help you understand HOW you can grow in knowing and understanding yourself, your story and connecting with others. The workshops, based on Brené Browns research, are interactive, experiential and educational. We will dig deeper into Brené Browns work and you’ll learn how you can integrate this into your life and relationships – and most importantly in your relationship with yourself. We’ll be using a combination of personal exercises, reflection, conversation and have access to exclusive videos of Brené Brown talking to us.

What will these workshops do for you?

Doing this work is transformative. As a facilitator I have done, and continue practicing the work. It’s challenging, but so incredibly healing and freeing. These workshops will help you show up in your life with more:

  • self and other awareness
  • honesty and openness
  • being able to express yourself more clearly
  • ownership of yourself and less responsibility for others
  • intention
  • curiosity
  • self kindness and self support
  • respect and empathy
  • resiliency
  • authenticity

Upcoming workshops for women

Workshops are currently for women only have limited places available so that we create a safe, nurturing and supportive environment. You don’t have to have ANY knowledge of Brené Browns work before you do a workshop – you can jump right in! If you do want to familiarize yourself with her work, you can find her on Netflix and YouTube. You can also find her books (both paper and audio) at your local library or bookstore.

Daring Greatly™

Workshop 1: Friday October 25th, 6.30-8.30pm Saturday October 26th, 8.45am - 4pm
Workshop 2: Friday November 29th, 6.30-8.30pm Saturday November 30th, 8.45am - 4pm
*To attend workshop 2 you must have completed workshop 1

This offers a new perspective on the way we love, lead, parent, work and educate that teaches us about the power of vulnerability. Every day we experience uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure; it’s simply unavoidable. This workshop helps us understand vulnerability (and dispel some myths) and how it affects our everyday lives. We’ll explore how we can develop the tools to support us growing the courage to show up, be seen and to ask for what we need.

  • 2 part workshop
  • $400 plus hst
  • Maximum 6 people. Hopefully we’ll be able to meet in person depending on COVID restrictions.
  • These workshops may be covered by your health benefits as they’re run by me, a Registered Psychotherapist.
  • Interested in booking? – send me an email (click on the ‘call or message me’ towards the bottom of this page)
  • Fees may be covered by your employers professional development fund

Practical details

Light refreshments included (they will be yummy!)

All materials and worksheets included

For further information